Cowboy 5,000
Sponsored Item
Sponsor of Wednesday PM break - Datamark Tech
Sponsor of Thursday morning coffee break - Southern Software
Sponsor of Thursday PM snack break - NGA
Sponsor of Friday morning coffee break - Clear Choice Headsets & Technology
Branded item for conference bag - GeoComm
Branded item for conference bag
Cowboy - $5,000
(2) Full Attendee Registration
Booth in IP Hall – 10 x 10
Sponsored Item (Assigned): First paid, the first item will be assigned.
Sponsor of Wednesday PM break
Sponsor of Thursday morning coffee break
Sponsor of Thursday PM snack break
Sponsor of Friday morning coffee break
Branded item for conference bag
Branded item for conference bag
​Attendee list after the conference.
Prioritized ability to ADD-ON a Branded Award Sponsorship (IE Telecommunicator of the Year award) NOTE: $2,500 cost for most awards… see Award Sponsor Level below
Listing of sponsorship on Conference signage.
Recognition at conference events, on social media, association websites, and email blasts. Your logo and a link to your website will be displayed on the Texas Public Safety website, the Texas APCO site, and the Texas NENA site for one year.