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To help provide a quality and productive show, each participating exhibitor is required to read and adhere to these rules and regulations. It is the desire of the Texas Public Safety Conference staff to provide as much training, networking, and dedicated Industry Partner Exhibit Hall time to all attendees as possible. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


The Texas Public Safety Conference staff has the right to interpret and enforce these rules as well as amend the rules and regulations or make additions hereto. All such amendments and additions shall be made known promptly to each exhibitor.


All matters not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of show management. All decisions so made shall be binding on all parties. Exhibitors, and/or their representatives, failing to comply with these official rules and regulations may incur penalties including but not limited to, removal from the show floor or suspension from attending future Texas APCO or Texas NENA events.

Policy Administration

The Texas Public Safety Conference staff shall have the authority to interpret and enforce these rules. All matters not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of the Texas Public Safety Conference staff. All decisions so made shall be binding on all parties. The exhibiting company or its representative(s) who fail to observe these conditions will be directly responsible for all risks and expenses involved.

Assignment of Exhibit Space

The Texas Public Safety Conference staff will assign exhibit space in the Industry Partner Hall according to the submitted Exhibit Space Preference upon vendor registration. Exhibit space will be sold as 10’ x 10’, 10’ X 20’, or 10’ x 30’ spaces. Industry Partners may select up to five (5) booth choices.  Once full payment has been received, booth assignments will be made and Industry Partners will be notified of their assignment. 


Assignments are made on a first come, first PAID basis.  If upon registration, the company did not choose an exhibit space number then the Texas Public Safety Conference Staff will assign the space of their choosing to the exhibitor. Texas Public Safety Conference Staff will make every attempt to adhere to the Exhibit Space Preference choices but reserves the right to relocate an exhibitor for the betterment of the associations or the show. All vendor/exhibitor registrations will be made online by Wednesday, March 1, 2024.  Any requests for space after March 1, 2024, will be considered if space is available.

Registration / Payment & Cancellation Policy

Payment may be made by check or credit card. Make payment to TX APCO-TX NENA Joint Conference upon registration of booth. Requests for registration refunds will be honored until March 1, 2024, minus a processing fee of 3% or $50, whichever is higher.  Refund requests received after this date will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All cancellations or refunds must be received in writing to Treasurer, Rosemary Contreras at by Wednesday, March 1, 2024.


By submitting payment for booth space, the Exhibitor agrees to abide by these Rules and Regulations and all amendments thereto and the decisions of the Texas Public Safety Conference staff. Exhibitors agree that failure to meet the specified timetable for payment of booth space may result in the space being canceled or relocated as the conference staff deems best.

Change of Venue

If for any reason the Texas Public Safety Conference staff or the Galveston Island Convention Center deems it necessary to change the location of the exhibits and an interruption of the Exhibit Space Preference schedule is a necessity, Texas Public Safety Conference staff reserve the right to reassign all booth spaces, as the Associations deem best.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors

Each exhibiting company is entitled to receive one full complimentary registration per 10X10 booth space purchased.  Each exhibitor shall provide the Texas Public Safety Conference staff in advance, the name and title of the person(s) in attendance in the Industry Partner Hall and who will be responsible for the installation, operation, and removal of the exhibit.  Representatives shall be authorized to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary. The appointed contractors must conform to the Texas APCO-NENA rules and regulations. Additional registrations may be purchased for $275.


Three (3) complimentary “exhibit hall only” passes will be available to each vendor as long as booth payment has been received. These passes are intended for customers or prospective customers that are not attending the event but want to visit the Exhibit Hall or meet with a vendor. These passes enable the recipient to visit the Exhibit Hall only. They do not include access to any other offering at the Event including food, beverages, materials, etc. “Exhibit Hall only” passes can be requested and will be held at the registration desk.

Employee or Conference Badges

Each exhibitor will supply the show management in advance, the names of those persons who will staff their booth on the exhibit floor. These names may be shown on the online registration form.  In the event of last minute personnel changes, the exhibitor representative will be required to show a picture ID and/or business card at time of on-site registration.  All representatives must wear an official conference badge during official show time hours and while manning their booth space.

Children Under 16 Years of Age

Children under 16 years of age are not permitted on the exhibit floor during installation and dismantle periods. They are also not permitted to attend the exposition unless they have correct conference credentials and are accompanied by an adult.

Exposition Hours / Access to Halls

To assure maximum-security protection for open exhibits and merchandise, after-hours work and/or entertainment will not be permitted in the exhibit spaces unless a member of the Texas Public Safety Conference staff grants permission. The exhibiting company making the request may be liable for any security costs incurred by Texas APCO and/or NENA in connection with any after-hours request. Except when special permission is granted, all vendor representatives must be out of the exhibit hall within one-half hour of the official closing time of the exhibits.  The Texas Public Safety Conference staff shall have the authority to interpret and enforce these rules.

Installation and Removal of Exhibits

Saturday, April 20, 2:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. — Exhibitor Setup

Sunday, April 21, 8:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. — Exhibitor Setup

  • Note: There will be an IP Hall meeting at 3:00 p.m. near the lounge area, please attend.


Sunday, April 21, 6:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. — Welcome Reception in the Industry Partner (IP) Hall

Monday, April 22, 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. — GRAND OPENING Dedicated Hours Open

Monday, April 22, 12:00 p.m. — 1:00 p.m. — Lunch served in Exhibit Hall

Monday, April 22, 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. — Exhibit Hall Open

Monday, April 22, 6:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. — IP Night (Time with all attendees)     

* Sponsorship opportunities available

Tuesday, April 23, 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. — Exhibit Hall Open

Tuesday, April 23, Executive Power Time *Dedicated time to decision makers **Times TBD

Tuesday, April 23, 12:00 p.m. — 1:00 p.m. — Lunch served in Exhibit Hall

Tuesday, April 23, 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. — Breakdown of Exhibits

All displays must be erected and open for viewing one hour prior to the opening, for the official inspection by the IP Hall Committee Chairs. All goods received after the opening of the exposition must be delivered to the booth at prearranged times other than the official exhibit hours. Goods and materials used in any display (except bona fide samples) may not be removed from the exhibit area before the Texas Public Safety Conference staff has officially closed the exposition.

Tear down of exhibits by companies prior to the official closing of the exhibits hours is strongly discouraged. Should travel arrangements require early tear down of the exhibit, please make contact with the IP Hall chair/co-chair to make arrangements. It will be the responsibility of the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) to advise the IP Hall Committee Chairs if there are special circumstances that warrant an exception. The deadline for removal of all materials from the exhibit hall will be enforced. It is the sole responsibility of each exhibitor to have materials packed, identified, and cleared for shipment at such time. Break down time is encouraged directly after the Exhibit Hall is closed.

IP Hall Booth Inspection

All displays must be completely set up by the designated time on the opening morning, at which time an IP Hall Chair will conduct a walk-through inspection. A representative of each exhibiting firm is asked to be in their booth until the inspection of that booth is completed. This will permit the administrator to alert the exhibiting firm immediately of any violation that may exist.  The time is listed in the Installation and Removal of Exhibits section of this document.

Operations and Conduct

Texas Public Safety Conference staff reserves the right to regulate and/or restrict exhibitors to reasonable noise and lighting levels and to suitable methods of operation and display material. If for any reason the exhibitor and/or its contents are deemed objectionable to other show exhibitors or attendees or by the Texas Public Safety Conference staff, the exhibitor may be subject to removal at the offending exhibitor’s expense. Show management shall not be liable for refund or exhibit space fee or exhibit equipment rental fee. This includes persons, things, conduct, or poor professional demeanor, which is the sole judgment of show management, is detrimental to the conference and exposition. Exhibitors must display goods manufactured or dealt in by them in their regular course of business, unless otherwise approved by the Texas Public Safety Conference staff. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet or share the space assigned without consent of the Texas Public Safety Conference staff.

Marketing Activities outside Exhibit Booth

All demonstrations, marketing activities, distribution of circulars, and promotional materials must be confined to the dimensions of the boundaries of the exhibitor’s booth. Displays of any kind, including products, advertising, promotional signs, literature, novelties, etc. will not be permitted in other exhibit spaces or public areas such as aisles, entrance ways, lounges, registration area, corridors, meeting rooms, or any other areas of the exhibit hall or hotel affiliated with the Texas Public Safety Conference.    Off-site demonstrations, hospitality parties, VIP seminars, invitation only meetings, and other such commercial demonstrations planned for off the exhibit floor will not be allowed during regular conference scheduled hours. Such events shall also not coincide with other schedule conference events or activities such as luncheons, entertainment events, business meetings, awards banquet, etc.


Based on the agreement between The Texas Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association, The Texas Chapter Association of Public Safety Communication Officials and The San Luis Resort Spa and Conference Center; Food & Beverage Policies state that due to licensing requirements and quality control issues, all food and beverage to be served on Hotel property MUST be supplied and prepared by the Hotel.  All food and beverage prices are subject to a 21% mandatory service charge and 8.25% state tax (subject to change without notice).  If you are interested in hosting food or beverages in your booth, please contact Conference Chair, Kelle Hall at

Storage of Crates and Boxes

Exhibitors will not be permitted to store packing crates and boxes in open areas of their booths during the exhibit period. These crates, when properly marked, will be stored, and returned to the booth by the Exposition facility or decorating company. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to mark and identify their crates and boxes.

Clean up Fees

Should the Texas Public Safety Conference be charged a cleanup fee by the facility as a result of the exhibitor’s activities, a cleaning fee will be charged to the exhibitor. Because facility charges vary, show management will establish the cleanup fee charged to the exhibitor.

Non-Registered Vendors/Organizations

Vendors or organizations not assigned space in the exposition or other designated areas will not be permitted to engage in any activities within the exhibit area or any other areas of the exposition hall or in hotels affiliated with the event in any way. Only the Texas Public Safety Conference staff may grant exceptions, and then only to non-commercial enterprises or companies holding contracts for support services with the association.

Electrical, Internet, and Other connections

Carpeting and one (1) 110-volt electrical connection will be provided by the Texas APCO and NENA Chapters. Requests for additional 110-volt electrical connections must be made to the Galveston Island Convention Center staff or decorator service chosen by the Conference Committee, and such additional electrical connections may be subject to a fee.  Complimentary wireless internet also be available. If the vendor desires wired internet service, it will be their responsibility to coordinate this service with Galveston Island Convention Center staff or decorator service.

Compliance of Exhibiting Firm

Each exhibiting firm agrees to comply with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the space leased and also with such rules and regulations as deemed necessary by the Texas Public Safety Conference staff and any rules and regulations of the exposition facility and the Texas Public Safety Conference.

Liability and Insurance

Neither the Texas Chapter of APCO, APCO International, The Texas Chapter of NENA, National NENA,  its co-sponsoring organizations, the official contractors, nor their officers, directors, employees, members or agents, nor the exposition facility, nor the legal entities that own, lease or operate the facility nor their members, officers, directors or employees (the Indemnified Parties), will be responsible or liable for injury to any person or persons or for loss of damage to any exhibitor property or any person or persons while in transit to or from the exposition facility or while in the exposition facility, unless such damage or injury is due to the gross negligence of an indemnified party, who shall be solely responsible for any damage or injury to the extent that same is due to its gross negligence. All property of exhibitor must remain in his/her custody and control in transit to, from, and within the confines of the exhibit halls, subject to the rules and regulations of the exposition.


Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against any and all liability whatsoever arising from any or all damages to property or personal injury caused by exhibitor or his/her agents, representatives, employees, and any other person. Subject to the first paragraph of this section, exhibitor assumes complete responsibility and liability for all loss, damage, or destruction of the property of exhibitor, its agents and all property of the exposition facility used by the exhibitor or brought into the exposition facility on its behalf. Exhibitor also assumes full responsibility for all injury to any and all person or property that is in any way connected with exhibitor’s property, including equipment, or cause by exhibitor, his/her agents, representatives or employees. None of exhibitor’s obligations hereunder are limited in any way by the coverage limits of exhibitor’s insurance or the insurance requirements contained herein.


[1]An Island booth has aisles on all four sides with no drapery.  It must allow for see-through visibility, be transparent from all 4 aisles, and displays may not be over 10’ high.





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